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EDIAQI Pilots and Campaigns: Enhancing Indoor Air Quality for a Healthier Future

Plane flying through the air

The activities of the EDIAQI project are in full swing, dedicated to unravelling the mysteries of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and its profound impact on our well-being. With four dynamic pilots and four engaging campaigns, EDIAQI is pioneering a comprehensive approach to addressing the critical issue of indoor air pollution and its implications for public health. Let's delve into the exciting initiatives that are shaping the future of IAQ.

Pioneering Pilots: Investigating IAQ from Every Angle

Ferrara cityscape

Ferrara Pilot: In Ferrara, EDIAQI is collecting a unique blend of warm data (experiences and perceptions) and scientific data through low-cost indoor sensors. These sensors are strategically placed in four diverse building scenarios: schools, offices, entertainment venues, and residential areas. This comprehensive approach allows us to gather invaluable insights into IAQ in real-world settings.

Tallin cityscape

Estonian Pilot: The Estonian pilot takes a leap into the future by integrating cutting-edge technology. Multiple building scenarios, including social care buildings and schools, are equipped with state-of-the-art sensors. The goal here is to harness the power of AI and Big Data Analytics to analyse IAQ data. 

Zagreb cityscape

Zagreb Pilot: In the heart of Zagreb, sensors and pollutant traps have been placed in children's bedrooms. This pilot focuses on the critical issue of asthma, with follow-up studies conducted at the renowned Srebrnjak Children's Hospital. By understanding the IAQ factors that impact respiratory health, we aim to make a difference in the lives of children and their families.

AC Filter

Filtration Pilot: Ventilation and air conditioning systems play a crucial role in maintaining IAQ. The Filtration Pilot evaluates the effectiveness of existing ASC hardware in removing indoor air pollutants. Identifying the most efficient pollutant removal methods is a vital step towards healthier indoor environments.

Dynamic Campaigns: Measuring and Spreading Awareness

In addition to our pilots, EDIAQI is actively engaged in four campaigns designed to raise awareness and deepen our understanding of IAQ:

Low cost sensor campaign

Low-Cost Sensor Evaluation: The reliability of low-cost sensors is a subject of paramount importance. EDIAQI is rigorously testing these sensors to ensure that they provide accurate and actionable data, empowering individuals and communities to make informed decisions about their indoor environments.

University of Seville

Seville Campaign: This campaign focuses on the physical-chemical characterisation of indoor air pollutants. By delving into the nature of these pollutants, we gain crucial insights into their sources and behaviour, paving the way for targeted interventions.

Vilnius cityscape

Vilnius Campaign: Vehicles are a significant source of outdoor air pollution, but their impact on IAQ is often overlooked. In Vilnius, we are studying the effects of vehicles on IAQ and the exposure of children in schools. Our findings will inform strategies to mitigate this hidden risk.

Children in school with masks

Awareness Raising Campaign: Lastly, EDIAQI is dedicated to raising awareness about both outdoor and indoor air pollution. Through educational initiatives and outreach efforts, we aim to empower individuals and communities to take action towards cleaner and healthier indoor environments.


With a diverse consortium of 18 organizations spanning 11 European countries, EDIAQI is at the forefront of the IAQ revolution. Our mission is not only to understand IAQ but also to shape it for the better. By bridging knowledge gaps, collaborating with stakeholders, and deploying user-friendly monitoring solutions, we are well on our way to enhancing IAQ guidelines and supporting policy revisions. The ultimate aim of the EDIAQI project is to provide scientific and robust evidence in support of the European Green Deal's Zero-Pollution Action Plan.

EDIAQI is not just a project; it's a commitment to healthier indoor environments, better public health, and a brighter and healthier future for all.