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Scientific Publications

Great research thrives on the exchange of information, which is vital for the expansion and deepening of knowledge in any field. The EDIAQI project upholds this tradition, emphasising the importance of understanding indoor pollutants, their potential health effects, and strategies to enhance indoor air quality. To support this mission, they ensure that their scientific articles are widely accessible.

Below is a comprehensive list of all the scientific articles produced under the EDIAQI project. The contributions span from enhancing the privacy and sustainability of data movements and operations using a distributed knowledge graph, to applying the EDIAQI methodology in AI and large language models. You are invited to explore this rich repository of knowledge and discover numerous opportunities to engage with and build upon their findings and insights.


  1. Bendžius, S. (n.d.). 'Lithuanian scientists to study air pollution in schools using a mobile laboratory'. DELFI (media). Available at:  
  2. Byčenkienė, S. (n.d.). 'Mobile Lithuanian Laboratory: Investigating Air Pollution in School'. LRT Science and IT (media). Available at:  
  3. Dirry, L., Hiebl, A., & Cemernek, D. (2023). 'KNOW-Center Data Platform: A central data management access point for EDIAQI', in International Conference and 13th Croatian Scientific and Professional Meeting Air Protection 2023, Mlini, CRO. Available at:  
  4. Gajski, G., Geric, M., Banic, I., Milic, M., Kasuba, V., Delic, L., Matkovic, K., Pehnec, G., & Zegura, B. (2023). 'Evidence driven indoor air quality improvement (EDIAQI): an outline of toxicological studies', in International Conference and 13th Croatian Scientific and Professional Meeting Air Protection 2023, Mlini, CRO. Available at:  
  5. Gajski, G., Kasuba, V., Milic, M., Geric, M., Matkovic, K., Delic, L., Nikolic, M., Pavicic, M., Rozgaj, R., Garaj-Vrhovac, V., & Kopjar, N. (2024). 'Exploring cytokinesis block micronucleus assay in Croatia: A journey through the past, present, and future in biomonitoring of the general population', Mutation Research, 985. Available at:  
  6. Ladeira, C., Mølle, P., Giovannelli, L., Gajski, G., Haveric, A., Bankoglu, E. E., Azqueta, A., Geric, M., Stopper, H., Cabêda, J., Tonin, F. S., & Collins, A. (2024). 'The comet assay as a tool in human biomonitoring studies of environmental and occupational exposure to chemicals - A systematic scoping review', Toxics, 12(4). Available at:  
  7. Lovrić, M., Đuričić, T., Hussain, H., Lučić, B., & Kern, R. (2023). 'PyChemFlow: an automated pre-processing pipeline in Python for reproducible machine learning on chemical data', ChemRxiv. Available at:  
  8. Lovrić, M., Wang, T., Staffe, M. R., Šunić, I., Časni, K., Lasky-Su, J., Chawes, B., & Rasmussen, M. A. (2023). 'A Chemical Structure and Machine Learning Approach to Assess the Potential Bioactivity of Endogenous Metabolites and Their Association with Early Childhood Systemic Inflammation', Metabolites. Available at:   
  9. Malinverno, L., Barros, V., Ghisoni, F., Visona, G., Kern, R., Nickel, P. J., Ventura, B. E., Simić, I., Stryeck, S., Manni, F., Ferri, C., Jean-Quartier, C., Genga, L., Schweikert, G., & Lovrić, M. (2023). 'A historical perspective of biomedical explainable AI research', Patterns, Volume 4, Issue 9. Available at:  
  10. Novak, M., Štern, A., Kološa, K., Štampar, M., Žabkar, S., Fras, K., Ravnjak, T., Rozman, I., Gajski, G., & Žegura, B. (2023). 'Genotoxic activity of two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzo[b]fluoranthene and benzo[ghi]perylene', in International Conference and 13th Croatian Scientific and Professional Meeting Air Protection 2023, Mlini, CRO. Available at: 
  11. Paulusberger, E., Casni, K., & Gursch, H. (2023). 'Standardization of Air Quality Data Collection Techniques', in International Conference and 13th Croatian Scientific and Professional Meeting Air Protection 2023, Mlini, CRO. Available at:  
  12. Uogintė, I., & Byčenkienė, S. (2023). 'Unexpected pollution synergies - aerosol particles and microplastics', 15min Science/IT (media). Available at:  
  13. Uogintė, I., & Byčenkienė, S. (2023). 'Unexpected pollution synergies - aerosol particles and microplastics', Lrytas Laboratories (media). Available at:  
  14. Uogintė, I., & Byčenkienė, S. (2023). 'Unexpected pollution synergies - aerosol particles and microplastics', LRT Science and IT (media). Available at:  
  15. Uogintė, I., & Byčenkienė, S. (2023). 'Unexpected pollution synergies - aerosol particles and microplastics', TVnaujienos (media). Available at:  
  16. Uogintė, I., & Byčenkienė, S. (2023). 'Unexpected pollution synergies - aerosol particles and microplastics', TVnaujienos (media). Available at: