Evidence driven indoor air quality improvement

What is EDIAQI?
EDIAQI stands for Evidence
EDIAQI stands for Evidence
Driven Air Quality Improvement.
It is a European funded research and innovation action under the Horizon Europe framework programme.
The EDIAQI project will study indoor air pollution in European cities, using short-term, high-intensity measurements and long-term, large-scale monitoring. The project will aim to understand the sources, routes of exposure, and health effects of indoor air pollution.

The challenges
Pollution exposure
Increased exposure to indoor air pollutants.
Health threats
Increased risk of early-life respiratory diseases.
Knowledge gap
Limited understanding of indoor air quality pollutant sources, concentrations and monitoring strategies.
Weak legislative framework
Lack of standardised guidelines across European Union countries.
The EDIAQI response
Develop and deploy low cost/user-friendly indoor air quality monitoring solutions.
Collect data on and characterise indoor air pollutants.
Understand associations between indoor air pollution and early-life disease.
Support policymakers in reviewing standards and regulatory measures.
Provide science-based evidence to support the Zero-Pollution Action Plan of the European Green Deal.

The project
in numbers
€ 7.8 M
million in funding
project partners
EDIAQI pilots
4 pilots covering large test areas with big sample sizes to generate evidence for policy, recommendations and training:
EDIAQI campaigns
4 measurement campaigns to generate insights into Indoor Air Quality and health risk assessment:
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