Awareness campaigns

Raising environmental awareness is a crucial step in reducing both outdoor and indoor air pollution. The EDIAQI project will initiate an awareness campaign targeting children (and their families) involved in all pilot studies. A questionnaire will be developed within the EDIAQI project and administered during pilot studies and measurement campaigns to assess participants' knowledge on health-related issues involving IAQ. This will facilitate a critical evaluation of public sources of information about the causes and controllability of IAQ issues and address potential disparities in information reach and utility. The novel findings on participants' awareness levels and general attitudes towards IAQ and its health consequences will help formulate guidelines and training materials for specific actions and communication models. This initiative aims to support health promotion and disease prevention in different sectors and across various socio-economic settings, thereby increasing awareness of environmental health.
- Institut za medicinska istrazivanja i medicinu rada
- The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness Asbl
- Universidad de Sevilla
- Università degli Studi del Molise
- Deda Next
- Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
- Srebrnjak Children's Hospital
- Region Hovedstaden
- To evaluate public knowledge on pollution-related health effects.
- To define best practices and methods for raising awareness of indoor air pollution.
- To increase awareness of sources of indoor pollution and pollution mitigation measures.
- To address potential disparities in information reach and utility.
- To critically evaluate public sources of information about the causes and controllability of indoor air pollution.