Seville campaign

The Seville Campaign is focused on the physical-chemical characterisation of indoor air pollutants, as well as studying behavioural differences and ventilation habits in key building scenarios for vulnerable populations at schools, hospitals, residential areas, and public transport.
- Universidad de Sevilla
- UniversitĂ degli Studi del Molise
- Lab Service Analytica srl
- Wings ICT Solutions Information & Communication Technologiesike
- To gain knowledge about the health effects of indoor air pollution on children in relation to building construction and their technical systems.
- To evaluate the social profitability and the improvement of well-being and hygiene conditions in schools, homes, and public transport.
- To support the development of preventive measures for the improvement of environmental quality in educational centres.
- To increase citizen awareness of indoor air pollution sources, daily behaviours, and environmental factors affecting IAQ.