Innovation through Inclusion: Gender Equality and the EDIAQI Project

On International Women's Day, the EDIAQI Project takes pride in its strong gender equality ethos, which is a crucial commitment to ensuring the success of the entire project. Gender balance among researchers is key to producing superior results by incorporating a variety of perspectives in all project activities. Time and again, research has shown that diversity and inclusivity typically lead to superior scientific outcomes, and fundamentally, there is a moral imperative to ensure equality (Love et al.).
Europe is united in its diversity, and it is vital that this diversity is reflected in European research initiatives. EDIAQI is aware of how gender-related differences can influence research outcomes and the usability of technology. The EDIAQI approach is multifaceted, ranging from guaranteeing that the EDIAQI platform is accessible and user-friendly to all, to integrating diversity into every aspect of use case design.
Furthermore, the strong anthropological element of the EDIAQI project incorporates ethnographic methods to assess participants' awareness of the significance of indoor air quality, including gender considerations, which is crucial. The EDIAQI project takes pride in highlighting that the two researchers leading this vital exercise are women, who have considered gender dimensions in developing surveys and other related activities.
Female leadership is another cornerstone of the EDIAQI project's commitment to gender equity. In fact, women researchers head two of the EDIAQI project's four scientific Work Packages (WPs), namely WP3 and WP6. This representation is not merely symbolic; it mirrors the EDIAQI project's firm belief in the potential and contributions of women in STEM fields. Additionally, the EDIAQI consortium is delighted to report a noteworthy improvement in gender balance among project researchers, with female participation at 42%, exceeding the STEM field average.
As EDIAQI moves forward, it stays committed not only to enhancing knowledge on indoor air quality but also to advocating for a future where gender equity is not just a goal, but a norm. This International Women's Day, EDIAQI reaffirms its commitment to dismantling barriers and forging a trail toward a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive scientific environment.
Love, Stephens, Fosdick, Tofany, and Fisher, The impact of gender diversity on scientific research teams: a need to broaden and accelerate future research, Nature, 22 October 2022. Accessible at: