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Spend Less, Breathe Better: The Potential of Low-Cost Sensors to Revolutionise Indoor Air Quality Management


Europeans spend about 90% of their time indoors, where pollution levels can often exceed WHO thresholds by two to three times. Despite this, indoor air quality—especially in private residences—is rarely monitored compared to outdoor environments. High costs and privacy concerns have traditionally been barriers, but emerging low-cost sensors could revolutionise indoor air quality management. These compact and affordable technologies, when used with proper safeguards, can provide crucial pollutant data for smarter, privacy-conscious air quality solutions in public spaces.

To explore this potential, the EDIAQI project is hosting a webinar titled “Spend Less, Breathe Better: The Potential of Low-Cost Sensors to Revolutionise Indoor Air Quality Management.” Key questions to be addressed are:

  • What low-cost sensors are currently available, and how do they measure up against state-of-the-art devices in terms of accuracy and reliability?
  • How can data from low-cost sensors be effectively integrated into smart systems in public spaces like schools to facilitate real-time decision-making for ventilation and pollutant management?
  • What role could low-cost sensors play within the broader context of the EU’s Twin Transition and the Zero Pollution Action Plan?
Event Agenda
  • 10:30-10:35: Introduction and Agenda (Moderator)
  • 10:35-10:40: Sensors on the Small Scale: The Future of Affordable Indoor Air Quality Monitoring (Andreas Schütze)
  • 10:40-10:45: Tiny Tech: Affordable Micro-Sensors for Smart Devices and Accurate IAQ Monitoring(Klaus Müller)
  • 10:45-10:50: Bridging the Gap: Digital Twins for Better Indoor Air Quality (Anthonis Papamanolis)
  • 10:50-10:55: Affordable Air Quality: The Impact of Low-Cost Sensors on Public Health and Sustainability (EDIAQI Representative)
  • 10:55-11:10: Panel Discussion – Spend Less, Breathe Better: The Potential of Low-Cost Sensors to Revolutionise IAQ Management (Moderator + Panellists)
  • 11:10-11:25: Questions from the Audience (Moderator + Panellists)
  • 11:25-11:30: Concluding Remarks (Moderator)